Credit u/ShelfClutter
Feel free to message me if you have a game launching in the future!
ExpectedNamePublisherCampaign PageFeb 18#bg
Meerkat KingdomsEnvy Born Games
KS PAGEFeb 18#bg
Coral CastleLime Green Games
KS PAGEFeb 18#e
Northgard: Uncharted HorizonsOpen Sesame Games
KS PAGEFeb 18#bg
Cities of Venus: SurvivorsTIN ROBOT GAMES
KS PAGEFeb 18#bg
SpokesRadical 8 Games
KS PAGEFeb 18#bg
Tales of Myth & LegendVan Ryder Games
GF PAGEFeb 18#cg
Crits & TricksInside Up Games
KS PAGEFeb 18#wg
Don’t Look Back: The Core GameBlack Site Studios
GF PAGEFeb 18#bg
Star Trek: AscendancyGF9
GF PAGEFeb 18#bg
CATAN Masterpiece SeriesFanroll
KS PAGEFeb 19#bg
Champions of Wind & FireiDventure
* - Added Late
#bg - Board Game
#cg - Card Game
#e - Expansion
#wg - War Game (or similar)
#rpg - RPG
#rw - Roll & Write (or similar)
#pg - Party Game
#dg - Dexterity Game
#d - Dice
#c - Component
#o - Other
Takahe has limited support for this type: See Original Page