I'm not sure exactly which issue you have in mind, but this sounds like something to be discussed on a Nintendo forum? Maybe on the @nintendo group?
@FediFollows @nintendo There are way too many to go over, but I'll give you a few in the reply to this post. (Please note that this post MAY be controversial, so it will have a CW.)
I don't think this is the right thread to discuss this in? I'd urge you to start a new thread on the group or some other Nintendo forum.
@FediFollows The problem with doing it on a dedicated forum is that too many people are brainwashed by thinking Nintendo is a family company when they are actually a company leeching off of them like gacha games.
I think a lot of people would disagree with you, but this is not the right place to argue about it.
Some kind of forum dedicated to Nintendo or even just to gaming in general would be a better place?
@FediFollows I would post it on my blog... But I currently don't have one up right now due to having to find a new solution because of the WordPress drama.