Some of the data used by Cambridge Analytica highlighted gun owners’ most personal information, like:
• If they owned cats
• Whether they were dieting
• If they were recently divorced
• Their political opinions
@ProPublica Get your act behind a #vpn, #firewall, #encrypted email, #burnerPhone and #pw protected computer. Just bc you're paranoid doesn't mean #MAGAmron and #muskrat aren't out to get you! Even if you're not the target, you don't want to end up as collateral damage.
All these surveillance economic companies build and sell detailed digital profiles of people that infer/suggest "predictive behaviors".
Collect enough data points and real patterns can be determined; whether accurately predictive is a technical statistical issue.
Don't forget: Facebook sold your data (and the data from your contacts, even if they weren't FB users) to Cambridge Analytica who used it to target voters to sway them to trump.