Hollo 0.3.0 released! #Hollo is a single-user federated microblogging software which is #ActivityPub-enabled and powered by #Fedify.
The key changes of this release include:
Thanks to @joschi, Hollo now support local filesystem storage for media files. You can configure DRIVE_DISK=fs and FS_ASSET_PATH to store media files in the local filesystem. For users who've used S3, no further action is required—but, it's recommended to configure DRIVE_DISK=s3 as DRIVE_DISK will be required in the future releases.
Added support for Sentry. If you want to see error reports and instrumented traces in Sentry, please configure SENTRY_DSN.
Added pagination to the profile page.
Minor performance improvements and bug fixes due to upgrading Fedify to 1.3.0.
You can upgrade to Hollo 0.3.0 using the following ways:
To Railway users: Just redeploy the Hollo service!
To Docker users: Switch your Hollo image to ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.3.0 or simply latest!
To manual installers: Fetch the stable branch and switch over to it!