Our Supreme Connections database tracks who’s paid the Supreme Court justices, reimbursed their travel expenses or given them gifts.
We just added Justice Samuel Alito’s 2023 filing and newly uncovered Justice Clarence Thomas filings from the 1990s.
Our Supreme Connections database tracks who’s paid the Supreme Court justices, reimbursed their travel expenses or given them gifts.
We just added Justice Samuel Alito’s 2023 filing and newly uncovered Justice Clarence Thomas filings from the 1990s.
@ProPublica One of the gifts to C. Thomas by Crowe were trips to the Bohemian Grove (along the Russian River, north of San Francisco.)
What they don't mention is that the Bohemian Grove gatherings are only of rich men - and they run around naked.
Now I have a mental image of a naked Clarence Thomas running around through the California redwoods.