Our Supreme Connections database tracks who’s paid the Supreme Court justices, reimbursed their travel expenses or given them gifts.
We just added Justice Samuel Alito’s 2023 filing and newly uncovered Justice Clarence Thomas filings from the 1990s.
Our Supreme Connections database tracks who’s paid the Supreme Court justices, reimbursed their travel expenses or given them gifts.
We just added Justice Samuel Alito’s 2023 filing and newly uncovered Justice Clarence Thomas filings from the 1990s.
@ProPublica #JohnRoberts will be forever remembered as the #Bribed #Scumbag who killed democracy by being the number one #FelonFellater #CorruptSCOTUS #GoFuckYourself #JohnRoberts I hope you face #Ridicule #24/7 you #PieceOfShit