@dsmoore @prahou @thedaemon @redmp if nobody in your replies understands what you’re trying to say, then maybe you should explain better what you even mean by “federated webhosting”
@Reiddragon @prahou @thedaemon @redmp Yeah, I'm just looking to riff and perhaps should have been more clear about that since most of these replies were beyond unhelpful. Oh well.
Brother, Reid answered your question with what you were asking. NeoCities == GeoCities. Literally what they based it on. But if you really mean " federated Geocities " no, no one is doing that. That makes zero sense to me. That would have to be a sort of webring on top of free host sites like geocities / angelfire, etc I guess so you could browse the various sites?
CC: @Reiddragon @prahou @redmp
CC: @Reiddragon @prahou @redmp