Adele怀着极其复杂的心情公布了她的全新片“21”,这张新专辑大部分录制工作是在美国 Malibu 完成,并与传奇性唱片制作人Rick Rubin(Johnny Cash, Jay Z, Red Hot Chilli Peppers )一同合作,后期是她回到伦敦后与制作人Paul Epworth ( Plan B, Bloc Party, Florence )负责完成, 按照Adele自己的方式,这是一张有着忧郁的布鲁斯、福音和Disco的风格作品。这两年来她也听取了来自许多不同音乐人的作品,特别是像Wanda Jackson, Allison Krauss, Yvonne Fair, Andrew Bird, Neko Case等。有关于专辑“21”的创作灵感,她还列下了一长串的音乐人名字表示对他们的热烈敬爱,像Mary J Blige, Mos Def, Elbow, Tom Waits, Kanye West, Alanis Morissette和Sinead O’Connor等等。
Adele在博客上对新专辑感叹万千,成长于单亲家庭的她在《19》一举成名后接触了更多优秀的音乐人,这张她定义为“dark bluesy gospel disco tune”的新专辑的命名上也有自己的想法,“这一切随着年龄增长而来”。年龄是一二个标签,跟相册的标题一样,标记着我的成长,对曾经的自我进行分类,–它标示着一个人的改变。
21 is the second album by English singer-songwriter Adele. It will be released on 24 January 2011, the first single released from the album "Rolling In The Deep" described by Adele as a "dark bluesy gospel disco tune" and co-written by the singer with Epworth will be released on 16 January 2011.
1.rolling in the deep
2rumor has it
3turning tables
4don't you remember
5 set fire to the rain
6 he won't go
7take it all
8 i'll be waiting
9 one and only
10 lovesong
11 someone like you
12 if it hadn't been for love
13 hiding my heart