Tribute To Jun 2 (Nujabes Tribute)
V.A. - Tribute To Jun 2 | A tribute album dedicated to the late great, one and only Nujabes, also known as Jun Seba. Nujabes has inspired and birthed many musicians around the world with his teachings/music. From his soundtrack recordings with Samurai Champloo, to his Tokyo label discography with Hydeout Recordings, Nujabes has been a spiritual enlightenment to many. This tribute album is dedicated to Nujabes from his students/inspired souls here at Digi Crates Records and around the world.
In case you missed our part 1 of "Tribute To Jun", you can check it out here :
*BandCamp -
*CD -
released 26 July 2011
R.I.P. Nujabes
1. 14? - Feelin' Blue (Nujabes Tribute)
2. P.SUS - Full Moon
3. Marcus D - Stars : Eyes Of The Departed
4. PDP - Sunny Day
5. DJ Sorama & DJ Ezasscul - Eternal Peace 2
6. Reki - Sweet Bitterness
7. Shintaro - Scenery Window (Mado-No-Mukou)
8. AGQ - Nitro (Nujabes Tribute Mix)
9. DJ Ezasscul - Counting With Jun
10. Twigg & Stone - Blue
11. 14? - Dreamland
12. PDP - Still Remember (R.I.P. Nujabes)