[ 演出者 Artists ]
Jean-Hervé Péron
人声 Vocals / 贝斯 Bass / 原声吉他 Acoustic Guitars / 小号 Trumpet / 水泥搅拌机 Cement Mixer
Werner "Zappi" Diermaier
鼓 Drums
特邀嘉宾 Very Special Guests:
Maxime Manac'h
键盘 Keyboards / 吉他 Guitar/ 煤气罐 Gas Cylinder / 手摇风琴 Hurdy-Gurdy
灰野敬二 Keiji Haino
人声 Vocals / 电吉他 Electric Guitars / 电子设备 Electronics
魏籽 Wei Zi, Tina, 郦亭亭 Li Tingting
针织行为表演 Knitting Performance
浮士德 + 灰野敬二,
FaUSt + Keiji Haino…
A one-of-a-kind collab!
Extraordinary work!
Excellent sound quality!
Made in China!
Dec. 2015: I received an invitation from Old Heaven to participate with FaUSt to the 3rd edition of “Tomorrow Festival” at B10 Live, Shenzhen, China!
A few months later, May 2016, we were on our way to the most exciting concert experience. A loooong flight-haul and then, such a warm welcome, such a perfect organization… the most charming, dedicated, competent crew around us… the largest cement mixer I ever used on stage, and an audience so vibrant, so focused.
I was and still am in memory, overwhelmed by the endless energy of all the people I met: technicians, promoters, music fans, the so-creative Knitting Ladies, my old-time friend Keiji Haino, and my comrade Maxime.
The music we created together had been accurately recorded. As Old Heaven proposed to release this concert, I immediately was enthused by the idea. Even more so when I heard the perfect mix of Liu Ying. Two tracks were beautifully post-produced, edited and mixed by Amaury Cambuzat.
I loved the B10 Live performance and place it in my top ten FaUSt concerts ever and I love this album, I do.
几个月后,也就是2016年5月,我们踏上了最激动人心的演出之旅。 无比漫长的飞行,然后,如此热烈的欢迎,如此完美的组织……这里有最迷人、最尽职、最能干的工作人员……还有我有史以来在舞台上用过的最大的水泥搅拌机,以及如此充满活力、如此专注的观众。
这段回忆我难以忘怀,直到现在,我依然被当时遇到的人们所散发出的无穷能量深深打动: 技术人员、主办方、乐迷、创造力十足的针织女士、我的老朋友灰野敬二,还有我的伙伴Maxime。
我们一起创造的音乐也被精准地录制了下来。 当旧天堂提议发行这场演出的唱片时,我觉得太棒了,而当我听到刘英的完美混音时,更是如此觉得。 其中有两首曲目由Amaury Cambuzat进行了精巧的后期制作、编辑和混音。
我爱这场在B10现场的演出,并把它列入了我心中的“FaUSt十大最佳演出”之一。 我也真心地爱这张专辑!
—— JHP / art-Errorist
1 新鲜空气 Air Pur 10:56
2 蜜蜂和熊 Bees and Bears 07:50
3 鼻子伸到星群中 Le Nez Dans Les Etoiles 11:09
4 啊吼! AHOUM! 09:07
5 小丑 Der Harlekin 03:13
6 听 Ecoute 05:05
7 你想要更多吗? Do You Want More? 09:04
8 大海 La Mer 17:05