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Tu Hoguera Está Ardiendo
艺术家: Klaus & Kinski
出版发行: Jabalina
发布日期: 2008年11月18日
时长: 1:00:15
条形码: 8428846002491
专辑类型: Import
专辑介质: CD

9.2 / 10

5 个评分


You can listen to five Real Player tracks from “Tu hoguera está ardiendo” on Klaus & Kinski Audio section on our site
And also in Myspace:

Next Monday 3rd of November will be officially on sale the début album of Klaus & Kinski, the group led by Álex and Marina, settled in Murcia and recently winners of the Lemon Pop Festival demo contest.
Beyond its sarcastic meaning, “Tu hoguera está ardiendo” (“Your bonfire is on fire”) is a stunning and full of nuances record, that catches the attention of the listener from the beginning to the end, through its 14 songs (more than an hour long), a perfect description of the wide range of possibilities their repertory has. An album that, far from lengthy, turns out to be fascinating, like a path with plenty of different landscapes they travel, however, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Klaus & Kinski has the strange ability of pique the curiosity of everyone who notices them for the first time. And that is because both their name and songs titles, and now, the album title too, contribute to create that feeling. A calling that no matter the way it comes, never stays there. Because what really catch you from Klaus & Kinski is what is inside: their personality, their idiosyncrasy, and, above all, their songs. Compositions so full of emotions, common sense and honesty they may seem surprising, full of paths we have all walked around, that they come to look like maps. All that thanks to a personal mix of ingenuity and talent that floods their repertory, mainly pop, with delicacy to a lot of common styles, differing them from the rest of the indie Spanish bands. Like Marina says, who, when it comes to digression, describes as nobody does, “We like to be eclectic (that’s what you say when you have no style or personality) covering from bolero to electronic music, bossa-nova, country-folk, melodic Italian songs from the 70s, 80s style and (kind of) standard indie music. We are influenced by My Bloody Valentine or Stereolab but we don’t feel distant from The Beatles and The Panchos. Even sometimes people have related us with Shoegazer for our chronic nerve and grace on stage, creating a perfect expressive communication with our feet”.
The lyrics (signed by Álex, of course) and Marina’s delightful singing style deserve separate remark. Like Marina herself tells, “Alejandro likes to hear what the songs say in my little voice.” From the different themes they deal with, to the way the manage the stories they tell us, through their metaphors, the lyrics represents a main factor when it comes to explain the style of Klaus & Kinski.
“Tu hoguera está ardiendo” collects a large part of the known repertory of this band from Murcia through their demos, and provides with two new songs composed for the occasion: “El Cristo del perdón”, opening the album, and “Crucifixión, la solución”. All of them recorded at the Arturo Vaquero’s Abrigueiro Studio with the production of Álex Martínez, the real Klaus & Kinski jack-of-all-trades, who previously had composed, orchestrated and edited all the songs, combining real instruments (electric, acoustic, classic and bass guitars, synthesizers, percussion instruments, chimes, harmonicas from 1 euro shops…) with sampled instrument, and the inestimable collaboration of Daniel (guitar), Paco (bass guitar), Leandro (keyboards), all of them Martínez, and, of course, with the distinct voice of Marina Gómez Carruthers.


1 "El Cristo del Perdón" - 2 "Nunca estás a la altura" - 3 "Rocanrolear" - 4 "Mengele y el amor" - 5 "Flash-back al revés" - 6 "Autovía de Albacete" - 7 "Muerte en Plasencia"
8 "Crucifixión, la solución" - 9 "Ronnie O´Sullivan" - 10 "Teléfono de la esperanza" - 11 "La Mano de Santa Teresa de Jesús" - 12 "En la cama" - 13 "Lo que no cura mata" - 14 "Sintigo o sin ti"

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