The Velvet Underground - 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

The Velvet Underground - 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition


艺术家: The Velvet Underground
出版发行: UMe
发布日期: 2014年11月24日
类型: 摇滚
条形码: 0602547038654
专辑类型: 专辑
专辑介质: Audio CD

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无论是标榜「另类」、「独立」或者是主流市场,横跨各世代、不同音乐领域,在排行榜上呼风唤雨、艺术界获奖无数的重要乐团都曾公开表示受到The Velvet Underground的音乐影响,从David Bowie、R.E.M.、The Smiths、Beck、Joy Division、Sonic Youth一路到Red Hot Chili Peppers、Nirvana、The Strokes、Kings Of Leon,都衷心地对这组前卫摇滚先驱俯首称臣。佔据滚石杂志「史上百组伟大艺人」第19名、VH1频道「经典名人录」第24位,于1996年入列「摇滚名人殿堂」。

即使历来发行的专辑没有亮眼的销售成绩,就连告示牌前170名都挤不进去,不过,这支展现地下文化艺术的超级乐团,却受到严苛乐评的一致推崇与景仰,无论是作品题材、音乐风格,皆引起极大震撼。主唱Lou Reed的嗓音道尽心底阴鬱面;极微/极简主义始祖、前卫古典大师John Cale,一再交出黑暗美学力作;无论是优雅旋律或是剽悍摇滚,吉他手Sterling Morrison都可演奏出属于自己的调性;还有鼓技不让鬚眉的女鼓手Maureen Tucker,都是The Velvet Underground的重要大将。

发行于1969年的第三张专辑【The Velvet Underground】,由Doug Yule取代John Cale和其他团员首次录音,滚石杂志专辑指南一书送上满分评鑑,入选「史上五百张经典专辑」第314席次,同时获得AllMusic、Blender、芝加哥论坛报、Q杂志等媒体满分力荐。这张专辑是The Velvet Underground首度亲自掌舵乐曲方向,他们拒绝延续先前的风格,由招牌的迷幻、前卫、庞克等架构,转换趋近民谣、甚至包覆更具旋律性的流畅摇滚声韵。

此张专辑由于录音前期发生设备遗失的事故,以及创团成员John Cale的离开,这张专辑的声音平静内敛富有张力。

The Velvet Underground's classic self-titled third album, released in March 1969, by MGM, was a departure from the band's first two albums in more ways than one. Gone was co-founding member John Cale, and in his place was a 21-year-old with Long Island roots named Doug Yule, who stepped right in. The record was also a stylistic leap, as Lou Reed describes it in Rolling Stone editor David Fricke's liner notes, 'I thought we had to demonstrate the other side of us. Fricke calls it 'a stunning turnaround… 10 tracks of mostly warm, explicit sympathy and optimism, expressed with melodic clarity, set in gleaming double-guitar jangle and near-whispered balladry. Or as the late rock critic Lester Bangs put it, 'How do you define a group like this, who moved from 'Heroin' to 'Jesus' in two short years?'
The remastered The Velvet Underground will also be made available as a two-CD Deluxe Edition version with a 12-track audio bonus disc featuring the best of Live At The Matrix, taped on November 26 & 27, 1969.


Candy says
What goes on
Some kinda love
Pale blue eyes
Beginning to see the light
I'm set free
That's the story of my life
The murder mystery
After hours
I'm waiting for the man
What goes on
Some kinda love
Over you
Beginning to see the light
Lisa says
Rock and roll
Pale blue eyes
I can't stand it anymore
White light/white heat
Sweet jane
