Yukio Mishima
Mizoguchi has been mentally troubled since he witnessed his mother'sinfidelity in the presence of his dying father. Mizoguchi feels utterlyabandoned and alone until he becomes a priest at Kinka-kuji, a famousBuddhist temple in Kyoto. Failing in his quest to find the warmth ofhuman companionship in the temple, the young man, tormented bythe temple's exquisite beauty, decides to destroy himself and all heloves. He feels he cannot live in peace as long as the temple exists.Mizoguchi, like many other troubled Mishima heroes, becomesobsessed with unattainable ideals.The Temple of the Golden Pavilion reflects Mishima's preoccupations withbeauty and death in a clear and unmistakable manner. It is also anexcellent example of a theme that frequently arises in Mishima's work:the resentment of the object of desire. Because this novel, arguablyMishima's best, reflects the author's suicidal tendencies, it also offers usinsight into one of the twentieth century's greatest and most complexliterary icons.
金阁寺 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2024
金阁寺 2022
金阁寺 天津人民出版社 2021
金閣寺 野人文化 2021
金阁寺 一頁folio | 辽宁人民出版社 2021
金閣寺 大牌出版 2021
金阁寺 2021
金阁寺 2021
金阁寺 Beijing Book Co. Inc. 2021
金阁寺 2021
金阁寺 时代文艺出版社 2021
金閣寺 木馬文化 2018
金阁寺 北京十月文艺出版社 2018
金阁寺 人民文学出版社 2018
金阁寺 青岛出版社 2018
金阁寺 人民文学出版社 2018
金阁寺 上海译文出版社 2014
金阁寺 九州出版社 2014
金阁寺 人民文学出版社 2013
金阁寺 上海译文出版社 2012
金阁寺 青岛出版社 2012
The Temple Of The Golden Pavilion Vintage Classics 2011
金阁寺 青岛出版社 2010
金阁寺 上海译文出版社 2009
金閣寺 新潮社 2003
金閣寺 木馬文化 2002
金閣寺 大地出版社 2000
金阁寺 作家出版社 1995
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion Vintage 1994
金閣寺 新潮社 1990
金阁寺 None
金閣寺 志文出版社有限公司 None