The Old Regime and the Revolution
Notes on the French Revolution and Napoleon
Alexis de Tocqueville 译者: Alan S. Kahan
With his monumental work "The Old Regime and the Revolution", Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) - best known for his classic "Democracy in America" - envisioned a multivolume philosophic study of the origins of modern France that would examine the implications of French history on the nature and development of democratic society. Volume 1, which covered the 18th-century background to the Revolution, was published to great acclaim in 1856. On the continuation of this project, he wrote: "When this Revolution has finished its work, [this volume] will show what that work really was, and what the new society which has come from that violent labour is, what the Revolution has taken away and what it has preserved from that old regime against which it was directed". Tocqueville died in the midst of this work. Here in Volume 2 -in clear, up-to-date English - is all that he had completed, including the chapters he started for a work on Napoleon, notes and analyses he made in the course of researching and writing the first volume, and his notes on his preparation for his continuation. Based on the new French edition of "The Old Regime", most of the translated texts have never before appeared in English, and many of those that have appeared were considerably altered. More than ever before, readers will be able to see how Tocqueville's account of the Revolution would have come out, had he lived to finish it. This volume completes the set and is useful reading for anyone interested in the French revolution or in Tocqueville's thought.
旧制度与大革命 中华书局 2019
旧制度与大革命 法律出版社 2019
旧制度与大革命 译林出版社 2018
旧制度与大革命 译林出版社 2014
旧制度与大革命 中华书局 2014
旧制度与大革命 2013
旧制度与大革命 世界图书出版公司·后浪出版公司 2013
旧制度与大革命 经济科学出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 2013
旧制度与大革命 北京理工大学出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 中央编译出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 光明日报出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 中华工商联合出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 2013
旧制度与大革命 中国华侨出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 商务印书馆 2013
舊制度與大革命 香港牛津大學出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 湖南人民出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 新世界出版社 2013
旧制度与大革命 九州出版社 2012
旧制度与大革命 商务印书馆 2012
旧制度与大革命 2011
Tocqueville: The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution Cambridge University Press 2011
Ancien Regime and the French Revolution Penguin Classics 2008
舊制度與大革命 牛津大學出版社 1994
旧制度与大革命 商务印书馆 1992
旧制度与大革命 商务印书馆 1992
旧制度与大革命 商务印书馆 1992
The Old Regime and the French Revolution Anchor 1983