Demian 豆瓣 Goodreads
the story of Emil Sinclair's youth
Hermann Hesse 译者: Michael Roloff / Michael Lebeck
Emil Sinclair is a young boy raised in a bourgeois home, amidst what is described as a Scheinwelt, a play on words that means "world of light" as well as "world of illusion". Emil's entire existence can be summarized as a struggle between two worlds: the show world of illusion (related to the Hindu concept of maya) and the real world, the world of spiritual truth. In the course of the novel, accompanied and prompted by his mysterious classmate 'Max Demian', he detaches from and revolts against the superficial ideals of the world of appearances and eventually awakens into a realization of self.
See alternate cover edition with same ISBN here .
德米安 : 彷徨少年时 Yilin Press 2022
德米安 2021
德米安 天津人民出版社 2020
德米安 湖南文艺出版社 2019
Demian Penguin Classics 2017
德米安 中国法制出版社 2017
徬徨少年時(德文直譯本) 遠流出版 2017
德米安 漫遊者 2015
德米安:彷徨少年时 中国法制出版社 2015
德米安 世纪文景/上海人民出版社 2014
彷徨少年时 上海三联书店 2013
Demian Penguin Classics 2013
德米安 上海人民出版社 2009
彷徨少年時 遠流出版 2008
Demian Suhrkamp Verlag 2007
Demian Dover Publications 2000
Demian Reclam, Ditzingen 1991
梦系青春 同济大学出版社 1989
Demian Suhrkamp Verlag 1974
徬徨少年時 志文出版社 None