A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures
Janet W. Hardy
The essential guide for singles and couples who want to explore polyamory in ways that are ethically and emotionally sustainable. For anyone who has ever dreamed of love, sex, and companionship beyond the limits of traditional monogamy, this groundbreaking guide navigates the infinite possibilities that open relationships can offer. Experienced ethical sluts Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy dispel myths and cover all the skills necessary to maintain a successful and responsible polyamorous lifestyle--from self-reflection and honest communication to practicing safe sex and raising a family. Individuals and their partners will learn how to discuss and honor boundaries, resolve conflicts, and to define relationships on their own terms. "I couldn't stop reading it, and I for one identify as an ethical slut. This is a book for anyone interested in creating more pleasure in their lives . . . a complete guide to improving any style of relating, from going steady to having an extended family of sexual friends." --Betty Dodson, PhD, author of Sex for OneReviewsPRAISE FOR THE SECOND EDITIONand#130;AuThis book is the definitive guide to having your marriage and eating other people too. The Ethical Slut made me the ethical slut I am today, and I am so proud and#130;Au and#130;AiMargaret cho, comedian and author of Iand#130;Aom the One That I Want and#130;AuThe Ethical Slut is one of the most useful relationship books you could ever read, no matter what your lifestyle choices. Itand#130;Aos chock-full of great information about communication, jealousy, asking for what you want, and maintaining a relationship with integrity. An absolute masterpiece and a must-read and#130;Au and#130;AiAnnie Sprinkle, PhD, sexologist and author of Dr. Sprinkleand#130;Aos Spectacular Sex and#130;AuMany people wish for and dream of a wider world sexually and live out their lives unable to find the courage to explore. This book is a thoughtful, practical, and loving look at that exploration.and#130;Au and#130;AiDavid crosby, musician and author of Since Thenand#130;AuThe Ethical Slut, in this new and expanded edition, is the definitive guide for creating and sustaining all conscious relationshipsand#130;Aipolyamorous, open, alternative, and monogamous. Donand#130;Aot enter into another relationship without it and#130;Au and#130;AiBarbara Carrellas, author of Urban Tantra and#130;AuDossie and Janetand#130;Aos blend of good humor and forthright honesty makes for some of the best writing I have found on sexually complicated relationships and blended family options. Engaging, disarming, forthrightand#130;Aithis is the book for those of us still brave enough to make the ethically complex choices.and#130;Au and#130;AiDorothy Allison, author of Bastard Out of Carolina PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION and#130;AuI couldnand#130;Aot stop reading it, and I for one identify as an ethical slut. This is a book for anyone interested in creating more pleasure in their lives . . . a complete guide to improving any style of relating, from going steady to having an extended family of sexual friends.and#130;Au and#130;AiBetty Dodson, PhD, author of Sex for One and#130;AuA useful guidebook for radical relationship travelers . . . experienced counsel to those on the polysexual frontier.and#130;Au and#130;AiRyam Nearing, Loving More magazine and#130;AuA post-graduate course in ethical relationships of every stripe. The authors pull no punches and are totally outrageous. . . . Youand#130;Aoll never be bored.and#130;Au and#130;AiStan Dale, DHS, founder of the Human Awareness Institute and#130;AuFrank, funny, and full of practical advice . . . life-saving validation, empathy, and plenty of insider tips from the experienced big sisters you probably werenand#130;Aot fortunate enough to have.and#130;Au and#130;AiDeborah Anapol, PhD, author of Polyamory: The New Love without Limits