Maps of Meaning
The Architecture of Belief
Jordan B. Peterson
Why have people from different cultures and eras formulated myths and stories with similar structures? What does this similarity tell us about the mind, morality, and the structure of the world itself? Maps of Meaning offers a provocative new hypothesis that explores the connection between what modern neuropsychology tells us about the brain and what rituals, myths and religious stories have long narrated. Drawing insights from the worlds of neuropsychology, cognitive science, and Freudian and Jungian approaches to mythology and narrative, Jordan B. Peterson argues that myths and religious stories have a structure determined by the nature of the mind, and play a key role in the regulation of human emotions.
Ambitious in scope and daring in its exploration of ideas, Maps of Meaning presents a rich theory that makes the wisdom and meaning of myth accessible to the critical modern mind.</P>
PREFACE Descensus ad Inferos
1 - Maps of Experience: Object and Meaning
2 - Maps of Meaning: Three Levels of Analysis
3 - Apprenticeship and Enculturation: Adoption of a Shared Map
4 - The Appearance of Anomaly: Challenge to the Shared Map
5 - The Hostile Brothers: Archetypes of Response to the Unknown
Conclusion: The Divinity of Interest