iCon Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs: The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business
Jeffrey S. Young
iCon《偶像乔布斯》深入剖析了这个以行为不合常规者、行为古怪者以及偶像破坏者而著称的商业时代中最令人惊奇的人物。利用各种各样的信息来源,Jeffrey Young和William Simon以全新的视角来审视苹果公司的传奇创立过程,详细记述乔布斯的飞黄腾达以及曾令他不仅离开苹果公司,还彻底离开计算机制造行业的那次毁灭性失败经历。这一毫不退缩、完全未经授权的形象不仅揭示了乔布斯在皮克斯动画工作室的非凡崛起过程中所发挥的两面作用,还再现了乔布斯与迪斯尼公司的 Michael Eisner之间不可调和的矛盾,并审视了乔布斯重新夺回苹果公司的东山再起。作者介绍了苹果公司被他人接管的过程、乔布斯通过倍受欢迎的iMac电脑对苹果公司的重塑以及利用革命性的iPod对这一行业所进行的变革。对于那些希望了解这一时代最具影响力的人物,横跨电影、音乐和计算机三个行业的教主乔布斯开创、发展并革新现代数字化时代的历程的人士来说,iCon《偶像乔布斯》是一部必读书目。 Book Description
iCon takes a look at the most astounding figure in a business era noted for its mavericks, oddballs, and iconoclasts. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Jeffrey Young and William Simon provide new perspectives on the legendary creation of Apple, detail Jobs’s meteoric rise, and the devastating plunge that left him not only out of Apple, but out of the computer-making business entirely. This unflinching and completely unauthorized portrait reveals both sides of Jobs’s role in the remarkable rise of the Pixar animation studio, also re-creates the acrimony between Jobs and Disney’s Michael Eisner, and examines Jobs’s dramatic his rise from the ashes with his recapture of Apple. The authors examine the takeover and Jobs’s reinvention of the company with the popular iMac and his transformation of the industry with the revolutionary iPod. iCon is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how the modern digital age has been formed, shaped, and refined by the most influential figure of the age–a master of three industries: movies, music, and computers.
From AudioFile
Alan Sklar's skills as an actor and professional narrator rescue Young and Simon's glossy tribute to Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers. Sklar's polished delivery and familiar voice keep the listener interested in the recording. Without a trace of sarcasm, he is able to deliver the fawning prose sculpted by the authors. While the doting praise heaped on the entrepreneur is excessive, the book is an entertaining, nostalgic review of the pre-Internet computer industry. Sklar gives a performance superior to the quality of the text. R.F.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)23.5 width:(cm)15.3