Learning Spark

Learning Spark


ISBN: 9781449357627
作者: Holden Karau / Andy Konwinski
译者: 智普教育 / jeapedu.com
出版社: O’Reilly Media, Inc
发行时间: 2015 -2
装订: 平装
价格: US $39.99
页数: 239

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Holden Karau / Andy Konwinski    译者: 智普教育 / jeapedu.com


As parallel data analysis has grown common, practitioners in many fields have sought
easier tools for this task. Apache Spark has quickly emerged as one of the most popu‐
lar, extending and generalizing MapReduce. Spark offers three main benefits. First, it
is easy to use—you can develop applications on your laptop, using a high-level API
that lets you focus on the content of your computation. Second, Spark is fast, ena‐
bling interactive use and complex algorithms. And third, Spark is a general engine,
letting you combine multiple types of computations (e.g., SQL queries, text process‐
ing, and machine learning) that might previously have required different engines.
These features make Spark an excellent starting point to learn about Big Data in
This introductory book is meant to get you up and running with Spark quickly.
You’ll learn how to download and run Spark on your laptop and use it interactively
to learn the API. Once there, we’ll cover the details of available operations and dis‐
tributed execution. Finally, you’ll get a tour of the higher-level libraries built into
Spark, including libraries for machine learning, stream processing, and SQL. We
hope that this book gives you the tools to quickly tackle data analysis problems,
whether you do so on one machine or hundreds.
