Learning Helm

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Learning Helm


ISBN: 9781492083658
作者: Matt Butcher / Matt Farina / Josh Dolitsky
格式: 平装
其它标题: Learning Helm: Managing Apps on Kubernetes
出版社: O'Reilly Media
发行时间: 2021 -2
语言: English
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 38.57
页数: 214

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Managing Apps on Kubernetes

Matt Butcher / Matt Farina   


Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes, the popular open source container management platform.
Package managers make platforms more accessible to those who use them. In order to use a platform like Kubernetes, you need to run software on it, and much of that software will be off-the-shelf or shared. Package managers like Helm enable you to install and start using the software quickly without needing to figure out how to make it run or run well on the platform, because it has already been packaged up in an easy-to-use manner.
If you have software you want to share with others, package managers make it easy to do. Platforms are more useful when there is a wide variety of software to run on them; open source projects and companies both like to make their software easy to install on the platforms it runs on, and Helm makes this possible for Kubernetes.
Package managers aren’t just for sharing and consuming others’ software, however. They are often an integral part of other systems, such as DevOps tooling, and they are used as a building block.
Virtually every modern platform has a package manager. Operating systems, programming languages, and cloud platforms all have package managers of some form.
In this book you will learn about Helm, which provides modern package management for Kubernetes, and the packages, called charts, that you can use with it. You will learn how to use Helm, how to create packages, and how to share those packages with other platforms.
Why We Wrote This Book
We, the authors, are maintainers of Helm, so we set out to write a book to help those who have questions about it. We didn’t just want to supply the technical details that are often found in the documentation; we wanted to provide context and insight into what Helm does and why.
Who Should Read This Book
There are a few situations where you will find this book useful. If you’re new to Kubernetes or want to learn how to install off-the-shelf applications, this book will help you learn how to do that with Helm. It is much easier and faster to install applications through Helm than it is to learn how to do so by hand with Kubernetes. If you work for a company (or a project) that wants to distribute your applications to Kubernetes users in an easy-to-consume manner, this book will teach you how to do that with Helm. Being able to quickly install your application makes getting started easier, and Helm can help you with that.
This book is also for DevOps professionals who want to learn to use Kubernetes package management as part of their DevOps toolchains. Helm provides powerful and advanced features that can be used as building blocks for other automation. These have been used to deploy large and complex applications onto Kubernetes, and this book will teach you how to leverage those features.
