The Interpretation of Dreams
The Complete and Definitive Text
Sigmund Freud 译者: Strachey, James
What are the most common dreams and why do we have them? What does a dream about death mean? What do dreams of swimming, failing, or flying symbolize? First published by Sigmund Freud in 1899, The Interpretation of Dreams considers why we dream and what it means in the larger picture of our psychological lives. Delving into theories of manifest and latent dream content, the special language of dreams, dreams as wish fulfillments, the significance of childhood experiences, and much more, Freud, widely considered the father of psychoanalysis,” thoroughly and thoughtfully examines dream psychology. Encompassing dozens of case histories and detailed analyses of actual dreams, this landmark text presents Freud’s legendary work as a tool for comprehending our sleeping experiences. Renowned for translating Freud’s German writings into English, James Stracheywith the assistance of Anna Freudfirst published this edition in 1953. Incorporating all textual alterations made by Freud over a period of thirty years, it remains the most complete translation of the work in print. Completely redesigned and available for the first time in trade paperback
夢的解析 新雨 2019
梦的解析 北京时代华文书局 2018
梦的解析 江西人民出版社 2017
梦的解析 2016
梦的解析 浙江文艺出版社 2016
释梦 商务印书馆 2016
梦的解析 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2016
梦的解析 2015
梦的解析 江西人民出版社 2014
释梦(上下) 九州出版社 2014
梦的解析 Wuhan Publishing House 2013
梦的解析(经典珍藏版) 2013
经典超译本 梦的解析 2013
梦的解析 中华书局 2013
梦的解析 2013
梦的解析 北京出版社 2012
梦的解析 国际文化出版社 2011
释梦 2010
梦的解析 2010
梦的解析 2010
Die Traumdeutung Fischer (Tb.), Frankfurt 2009
梦的解析 2009
梦的解析 2009
梦的解析 2009
梦的解析 上海三联书店 2008
梦的解析 2008
梦的解析 2008
梦的解析 2008
梦的解析 中央编译出版社 2008
梦的释义 新世界 2007
梦的解析 2006
梦的解析 广东经济出版社 2005
Die Traumdeutung Fischer (Tb.), Frankfurt 2005
梦的解析 九州出版社 2004
释梦 2004
梦的解析 国际文化出版公司 2001
THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS Wordsworth Editions Ltd 2000
梦的解析 国际文化出版公司 1998
梦的解析 外语教学与研究出版社 1998
梦的解析 1997
释梦 商务印书馆 1996
The Interpretation of Dreams Random House Inc 1994
梦的解析 1989
梦的释义 辽宁人民出版社 1987
梦的解析 中国民间文艺出版社 1986
The Interpretation of Dreams Avon 1980
夢的解析 志文出版社 1972
佛洛依德之夢的解析 霍克 None