In Search of Lost Time

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In Search of Lost Time


ISBN: 9780812969641
作者: Marcel Proust
译者: C.K. Scott Moncrieff / Andreas Mayor / Terence Kilmartin / D.J. Enright
出版社: Modern Library
发行时间: 2003 -6
丛书: À la recherche du temps perdu
语言: English
装订: Paperback
页数: 4211

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À la recherche du temps perdu

Marcel Proust    译者: C.K. Scott Moncrieff / Andreas Mayor


On the surface a traditional "Bildungsroman" describing the narrator’s journey of self-discovery, this huge and complex book is also a panoramic and richly comic portrait of France in the author’s lifetime, and a profound meditation on the nature of art, love, time, memory and death. But for most readers it is the characters of the novel who loom the largest: Swann and Odette, Monsieur de Charlus, Morel, the Duchesse de Guermantes, Françoise, Saint-Loup and so many others — Giants, as the author calls them, immersed in Time.
"In Search of Lost Time" is a novel in seven volumes. The novel began to take shape in 1909. Proust continued to work on it until his final illness in the autumn of 1922 forced him to break off. Proust established the structure early on, but even after volumes were initially finished he kept adding new material, and edited one volume after another for publication. The last three of the seven volumes contain oversights and fragmentary or unpolished passages as they existed in draft form at the death of the author; the publication of these parts was overseen by his brother Robert.
