The Original Version of What We Talk about When We Talk about Love
Raymond Carver
Here is the original manuscript of Raymond Carver’s seminal 1981 collection, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. Carver is one of the most celebrated short-story writers in American literature—his style is both instantly recognizable and hugely influential—and the pieces in What We Talk About . . ., which portray the gritty loves and lives of the American working class, are counted among the foundation stones of the contemporary short story. In this unedited text, we gain insight into the process of a great writer. These expansive stories illuminate the many dimensions of Carver’s style, and are indispensable to our understanding of his legacy.
Text established by William L. Stull and Maureen P. Carroll
Editors' Preface xi
Why Don't You Dance? 3
Viewfinder 9
Where Is Everyone? 13
Gazebo 24
Want to See Something 33
The Fling 40
A Small, Good Thing 56
Tell the Women We're Going 83
If It Please You 97
So Much Water So Close to Home 116
Dummy 136
Pie 153
The Calm 161
Mine 167
Distance 169
Beginners 179
One More Thing 201
A Note on the Text 207