The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton / James Madison …
Written at a time when furious arguments were raging about the best way to govern America, "The Federalist Papers" had the immediate practical aim of persuading New Yorkers to accept the newly drafted Constitution in 1787. In this they were supremely successful, but their influence also transcended contemporary debate to win them a lasting place in discussions of American political theory. Acclaimed by Thomas Jefferson as 'the best commentary on the principles of government which ever was written', "The Federalist Papers" make a powerful case for power-sharing between State and Federal authorities and for a Constitution that has endured largely unchanged for two hundred years.
联邦论 译林出版社 2016
联邦党人文集 商务印书馆 2015
联邦党人文集 中国青年出版社 2014
联邦论 吉林出版集团有限责任公司 2011
The Penguin Guide to the United States Constitution Penguin Books 2010
联邦论 译林出版社 2010
联邦党人文集 中国社会科学出版社 2009
联邦党人文集(全四册) 九州出版 2007
聯邦論 左岸文化 2006
The Federalist Papers Signet Classics 2003
The Federalist Papers Signet 1999
The Federalist Papers Bantam Classics 1982
联邦党人文集 商务印书馆 1980