Vancouver Exposed
Searching for the City's Hidden History
Eve Lazarus
As a journalist, Australian-born Eve Lazarus has become adept at combining her well-honed investigative skills with an abiding love for her adopted city. These qualities are on full display in her latest book, an exploration of Vancouver’s hidden past through the city’s neighborhoods, institutions, people, and events. Vancouver Exposed is a nostalgic romp through the city’s past, from buried houses to nudist camps, from bellyflop contests to eccentric museums. Featuring historic black-and-white and color photographs throughout, the book reveals the true heart of the city: one that is endlessly evolving and always full of surprises. With equal parts humor and pathos, Vancouver Exposed is a vividly entertaining and informative book that pays homage to the Vancouver you never knew existed.This publication meets the EPUB Accessibility requirements and it also meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG-AA). It is screen-reader friendly and is accessible to persons with disabilities. A book with many images, which is defined with accessible structural markup. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page-list, landmark, reading order and semantic structure.