From Eternity to Here

From Eternity to Here


ISBN: 9780452296541
作者: Sean Carroll
出版社: Plume Books
发行时间: 2010 -10
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 10.77
页数: 448

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The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time

Sean Carroll   


"An accessible and engaging exploration of the mysteries of time."
-Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe
Twenty years ago, Stephen Hawking tried to explain time by understanding the Big Bang. Now, Sean Carroll says we need to be more ambitious. One of the leading theoretical physicists of his generation, Carroll delivers a dazzling and paradigm-shifting theory of time's arrow that embraces subjects from entropy to quantum mechanics to time travel to information theory and the meaning of life.
From Eternity to Here is no less than the next step toward understanding how we came to exist, and a fantastically approachable read that will appeal to a broad audience of armchair physicists, and anyone who ponders the nature of our world.
