The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics
Tristram McPherson (Editor) / David Plunkett (Editor)
This Handbook surveys the contemporary state of the burgeoning field of metaethics. Forty-four chapters, all written exclusively for this volume, provide expert introductions to:
·the central research programs that frame metaethical discussions
·the central explanatory challenges, resources, and strategies that inform contemporary work in those research programs
·debates over the status of metaethics, and the appropriate methods to use in metaethical inquiry
This is essential reading for anyone with a serious interest in metaethics, from those coming to it for the first time to those actively pursuing research in the field.
Introduction: The Nature and Explanatory Ambitions of Metaethics
Tristram McPherson, and David Plunkett
I. Central Organizing Options in Metaethics
1. Non-Naturalistic Realism in Metaethics
David Enoch
2. Naturalistic Realism in Metaethics
Peter Railton
3. Error Theory in Metaethics
Jonas Olson
4. Fictionalism in Metaethics
Richard Joyce
5. Metaethical Expressivism
Elisabeth Camp
6. Metaethical Contextualism
Alex Silk
7. Metaethical Relativism
Isidora Stojanovic
II. Central Problems and Strategies in Metaethics
8. Realism and Objectivity
Billy Dunaway
9. Metaphysical Relations in Metaethics
Gideon Rosen
10. The Supervenience Challenge to Non-Naturalism
Pekka Väyrynen
11. Vagueness and Indeterminacy in Ethics
Tom Dougherty
12. Deontic Modals
Jennifer Carr
13. Thick Concepts
Debbie Roberts
14. The Frege-Geach Problem
Jack Woods
15. Hybrid Accounts of Ethical Thought and Talk
Teemu Toppinen
16. Conceptual Role Accounts of Meaning in Metaethics
Matthew Chrisman
17. The Significance of Ethical Disagreement for Theories of Ethical Thought and Talk
Gunnar Björnsson
18. Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism
Matthew S. Bedke
19. Ethical Judgment and Motivation
David Faraci and Tristram McPherson
20. Reasons Internalism
Errol Lord and David Plunkett
21. The Wrong Kind of Reasons
Howard Nye
22. Mind-Dependence and Moral Realism
Connie S. Rosati
23. Constitutivism
Michael Smith
24. Constructivism
Melissa Barry
25. Normativity and Agency
Hille Paakkunainen
26. Mores and Morals: Metaethics and the Social World
Kenneth Walden
27. The Autonomy of Ethics
Barry Maguire
28. Explanatory Challenges in Metaethics
Joshua Schechter
29. Ethical Expertise
Karen Jones and Francois Schroeter
30. Intuitionism in Moral Epistemology
Elizabeth Tropman
31. Moral Scepticism
Matt Lutz and Jacob Ross
32. The Epistemic Significance of Moral Disagreement
Dustin Locke
III. The status and methodology of metaethics
33. Metasemantics and Metaethics
Laura Schroeter and Francois Schroeter
34. Conceptual Analysis in Metaethics
Nicholas Laskowski and Stephen Finlay
35. Ethics and Morality
Stephen Darwall
36. The Varieties of Normativity
Derek Baker
37. Pragmatism and Metaethics
Andrew Sepielli
38. Feminism and Metaethics
Amia Srinivasan
39. Experimental Philosophy and Moral Theory
Chandra Sripada
40. Quasi-realism
Terence Cuneo
41. Metaethical Quietism
Karl Schafer and Doug Kremm
42. Methodological Naturalism in Metaethics
Daniel Nolan
43. Normative Ethics and Metaethics
Mark Schroeder