Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
‘He began to feel the danger of paying Elizabeth too much attention’. Pride and Prejudice , one of the most famous love stories of all time, has also proven itself as a treasured mainstay of the English literary canon. With the arrival of eligible young men in their neighbourhood, the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters are turned inside out and upside down. Pride encounters prejudice, upward-mobility confronts social disdain, and quick-wittedness challenges sagacity. Misconceptions and hasty judgements bring heartache and scandal, but eventually lead to true understanding, self-knowledge, and love. It’s almost impossible to open Pride and Prejudice without feeling the pressure of so many readers having known and loved this novel already. Will you fail the test - or will you love it too? As a story that celebrates more unflinchingly than any of Austen’s other novels the happy meeting-of-true-minds, and one that has attracted the most fans over the centuries, Pride and Prejudice sets up an echo chamber of good feelings in which romantic love and the love of reading amplify each other.
傲慢与偏见 2021
傲慢与偏见(作家榜经典文库) 中信出版集团 2020
傲慢与偏见 2020
傲慢与偏见 陕西师范大学出版总社 2019
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2018
傲慢与偏见 人民文学出版社 2017
傲慢与偏见 西安交通大学出版社 2017
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2016
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2016
傲慢与偏见 2016
傲慢与偏见 天津人民出版社 2016
傲慢與偏見 漫遊者文化 2015
傲慢与偏见 中央编译出版社 2015
傲慢与偏见 2015
傲慢与偏见 人民文学出版社 2015
傲慢与偏见 南海出版公司 2014
傲慢与偏见 北京燕山出版社 2013
傲慢与偏见 2013
Pride and Prejudice Penguin Classics 2012
傲慢与偏见 2011
傲慢与偏见 南海出版公司 2011
傲慢与偏见 2010
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 2010
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2010
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 2010
傲慢与偏见 上海三联书店 2010
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2009
傲慢与偏见 光明日报 2009
傲慢與偏見 好讀 2009
Pride and Prejudice Penguin Classics Hardcover 2009
傲慢与偏见(英文本) 世界图书出版公司 2008
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 2008
Pride and Prejudice Signet Classics 2008
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2008
Pride and Prejudice 2008
傲慢与偏见 外文出版社 2008
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 2006
Pride and Prejudice Cambridge University Press 2006
傲慢与偏见:简·奥斯丁全集 南海出版公司 2006
傲慢与偏见 外语教学与研究出版社 2006
傲慢与偏见 中国书籍出版社 2005
英文原版世界文学名著金库(全18册) 远方出版社 2005
Pride and Prejudice Dover Publications 2005
Pride and Prejudice Collector's Library 2004
Pride and Prejudice Oxford University Press, USA 2004
傲慢与偏见 长江文艺 2003
Pride and Prejudice Penguin Classics 2002
傲慢与偏见 北京燕山出版社 2002
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 2001
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2000
傲慢与偏见 2000
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 2000
傲慢与偏见 大众文艺出版社 1999
傲慢与偏见 1999
傲慢与偏见 外语教学与研究出版社 1997
傲慢与偏见 1997
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 1996
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 1995
Pride and Prejudice Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1995
傲慢与偏见 人民文学出版社 1993
傲慢与偏见 1993
傲慢与偏见 人民文学出版社 1993
傲慢与偏见 人民文学出版社 1993
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 1990
傲慢与偏见 译林出版社 1990
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 1986
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 1986
Pride and Prejudice Bantam Classics 1983
傲慢与偏见 上海译文出版社 1980