The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli 译者: George Bull
Rejecting the traditional values of political theory, Machiavelli drew upon his own experiences of office in the turbulent Florentine republic to write his celebrated treatise on statecraft. While Machiavelli was only one of the many Florentine "prophets of force," he differed from the ruling elite in recognizing the complexity and fluidity of political life.
Translated by George Bull
Introduction by Anthony Grafton
Chronology Map
Translator's Note
Selected Books
Machiavelli's Principal Works
Letter to the Magnificent Lorenzo de Medici 1
I How many kinds of principality there are and the ways in which they are acquired 5
II Hereditary principalities 5
III Composite principalities 6
IV Why the kingdom of Darius conquered by Alexander did not rebel against his successors after his death 13
V How cities or principalities which lived under their own laws should be administered after being conquered 16
VI New principalities acquired by one's own arms and prowess 17
VII New principalities acquired with the help of fortune and foreign arms 20
VIII Those who come to power by crime 27
IX The constitutional principality 31
X How the strength of every principality should be measured 34
XI Ecclesiastical principalities 36
XII Military organization and mercenary troops 39
XIII Auxiliary, composite, and native troops 43
XIV How a prince should organize his militia 47
XV The things for which men, and especially princes, are praised or blamed 49
XVI Generosity and parsimony 51
XVII Cruelty and compassion; and whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse 53
XVIII How princes should honour their word 56
XIX The need to avoid contempt and hatred 58
XX Whether fortresses and many of the other present-day expedients to which princes have recourse are useful or not 67
XXI How a prince must act to win honour 71
XXII A prince's personal staff 75
XXIII How flatterers must be shunned 76
XXIV Why the Italian princes have lost their states 78
XXV How far human affairs are governed by fortune, and how fortune can be opposed 79
XXVI Exhortation to liberate Italy from the barbarians 82
Glossary of Proper Names 86
Notes 99
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君主论 上海文化出版社 2020
君主论 商务印书馆 2020
君主论 译林出版社 2018
君主论 商务印书馆 2017
君主论/大家小书译馆 北京出版社 2017
君主论 中央编译出版社 2017
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君主论(插图本) 2014
君主论 中华书局 2014
君主论 2012
君主论 译林出版社 2012
君主论 2011
君主论 2011
君主论 商务印书馆 2010
典藏书架013-君主论 北京理工大学出版社 2009
君王论 2009
君主论 中国社会科学出版社 2009
The Prince Signet Classics, July 2008 2008
君主论 上海三联书店 2008
君主论 陕西师范大学出版社 2008
君主论 2007
君王论 光明日报出版社 2006
君主论 上海三联书店 2006
The Prince Penguin Books 2005
Machiavelli's The Prince Bedford/St. Martin's 2005
君主论 陕西人民出版社 2004
The Prince Penguin 2004
君主论 天津教育出版社 2004
君主论 中国政法大学出版社 2003
君主论 2002
The Prince University Of Chicago Press 1998
The Prince University Of Chicago Press 1998
君王论 光明日报出版社 1996
The Prince Cambridge University Press 1988
君王论 湖南人民出版社 1987
君主论 商务印书馆 1985
君主论 商务印书馆 1985
君主论 商务印书馆 1985
The Prince Bantam Classics 1984