Artist of Life (Bruce Lee Library)
Bruce Lee / John Little
Bruce Lee has been recognized primarily for his physical skills and tactical principles in the art of unarmed combat. But Bruce Lee: Artist of Life reveals that Lee was a man who was equal parts poet, Philosophysopher, scientist, actor. producer, director, author, choreographer, Martial Artsl artist, husband, father, and friend, dedicated to artistic expression with the goal of self-knowledge. Bruce Lee: Artist of Life is a collection of writings comprising eight parts: writings on Chinese Gung Fu, Philosophysophy psychology, Jeet Kune Do, acting, and self-knowledge, as well as a section of Lee's poetry and letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen letters, revealing a side of Bruce Lee rarely seen previously. As John Little writes in the Introduction, "No matter what the get the distinct impression from reading Lee's words that hee, indeed, was a 'real man,' a real human being, who was in fact laying bare his soul."