The Museum of Unconditional Surrender

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The Museum of Unconditional Surrender


ISBN: 9780811214933
作者: Dubravka Ugresic
译者: Celia Hawkesworth
出版社: New Directions
发行时间: 2002 -2
语言: English
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 16.95
页数: 256

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Dubravka Ugresic    译者: Celia Hawkesworth


The Museum of Unconditional Surrender -- by the renowned Yugoslavian writer Dubravka Ugresic -- begins in the Berlin Zoo, with the contents of Roland the Walrus's stomach displayed beside his pool (Roland died in August, 1961). These objects -- a cigarette lighter, lollipop sticks, a beer-bottle opener, etc. -- like the fictional pieces of the novel itself, are seemingly random at first, but eventually coalesce, meaningfully and poetically.Written in a variety of literary forms, The Museum of Unconditional Surrender captures the shattered world of a life in exile. Some chapters re-create the daily journal of the narrator's lonely and alienated mother, who shops at the improvised flea-markets in town and longs for her children; another is a dream-like narrative in which a circle of women friends are visited by an angel. There are reflections and accounts of the Holocaust and the Yugoslav Civil War; portraits of European artists; a recipe for Caraway Soup; a moving story of a romantic encounter the narrator has in Lisbon; descriptions of family photographs; memories of the small town in which Ugresic was raised. Addressing the themes of art and history, aging and loss, The Museum is a haunting and an extremely original novel.


PART ONE Ich bin müde 1
PART Two Family museum 11
PART THREE Guten Tag 93
PART FOUR Archive: six stories with the discreet motif of a departing angel 109
PART FIVE Was ist Kunst? 157
PART SIX Group photograph 171
PART SEVEN Wo bin ich? 219
