The History of Sexuality
ISBN: 9780140268683
Michel Foucault
Robert Hurley
出版社: Penguin
发行时间: 1998
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 9.99
页数: 176
The Will to Knowledge
Michel Foucault 译者: Robert Hurley
Why has there been such an explosion of discussion about sex in the west since the 17th century? Here, one of France's greatest intellectuals explores the evolving social, economic and political forces that have shaped our attitudes to sex. In a book that is at once controversial and seductive, Foucault describes how we are in the process of making a science of sex which is devoted to the analysis of desire rather than the increase of pleasure.
认知的意志(性经验史第一卷) 2022
性经验史 上海人民出版社 2016
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性经验史 上海人民出版社 2002
性经验史 上海人民出版社 2000
性史 上海人民出版社 1999
Histoire de la sexualité, tome 1 Gallimard 1994
The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1 Vintage 1990
性史 上海科学技术文献出版社 1989
History of Sexuality Volume 1 Vintage 1980
Histoire de la sexualité Messageries du Livre 1976