Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!
ISBN: 9780762434275
出版社: Running Press
发行时间: 2009
装订: Hardcover
页数: 128
Anyone stuck in the rat-race of living paycheck to paycheck, enslaved by the house mortgage and bills, will appreciate this breath of fresh air. Learn about the methods that have created more than a few millionaires. This is the first abridged miniature edition of <i>Rich Dad Poor Dad</i>. The full-length edition has sold millions as a <i>New York Times</i> bestseller. As proven by the runaway success of <i>The Secret</i> and like titles, changing one's thinking to influence one's fortune sells big, and forms the basis of rich dad's advice. Learn to think like a rich dad and let your money work for you!