J.R.R. Tolkien (Author, Illustrator) / Christopher Tolkien (Editor)
For the first time ever, a very special edition of the forerunner to The Lord of the Rings, illustrated throughout in colour by J.R.R. Tolkien himself and with the complete text printed in two colours.
The Silmarilli were three perfect jewels, fashioned by Fëanor, most gifted of the Elves, and within them was imprisoned the last Light of the Two Trees of Valinor. But the first Dark Lord, Morgoth, stole the jewels and set them within his iron crown, guarded in the impenetrable fortress of Angband in the north of Middle-earth.
The Silmarillion is the history of the rebellion of Fëanor and his kindred against the gods, their exile from Valinor and return to Middle-earth, and their war, hopeless despite all the heroism, against the great Enemy. It is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look back, and in whose events some of them such as Elrond and Galadriel took part.
The book also includes several shorter works: the Ainulindalë, a myth of the Creation, and the Valaquenta, in which the nature and powers of each of the gods is described. The Akallabêth recounts the downfall of the great island kingdom of Númenor at the end of the Second Age, and Of the Rings of Power tells of the great events at the end of the Third Age, as narrated in The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien could not publish The Silmarillion in his lifetime, as it grew with him, so he would leave it to his son, Christopher Tolkien, to edit the work from many manuscripts and bring his father’s great vision to publishable form, so completing the literary achievement of a lifetime. This special edition presents anew this seminal first step towards mapping out the posthumous publishing of Middle-earth, and the beginning of an illustrious forty years and more than twenty books celebrating his father’s legacy.
This definitive new edition includes, by way of an introduction, a letter written by Tolkien in 1951 which provides a brilliant exposition of the earlier Ages, and for the first time in its history is presented with J.R.R. Tolkien’s own paintings and drawings, which reveal the breathtaking grandeur and beauty of his vision of the First Age of Middle-earth.
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2023
The Silmarillion William Morrow 2022
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2022
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2021
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2021
精灵宝钻(精装插图本) 上海人民出版社 2015
The Silmarillion Mariner Books 2014
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2013
精灵宝钻 译林出版社 2012
The Silmarillion [Illustrated] HarperCollins Publishers Ltd 2008
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2007
精灵宝钻 译林出版社 2004
The Silmarillion Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2004
The Silmarillion Harper Collins 2004
精灵宝钻 译林出版社 2004
Voyager Classics - The Silmarillion Voyager 2002
精靈寶鑽 聯經出版公司 2002
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 2002
The Silmarillion Houghton Mifflin 2001
The Silmarillion Houghton Mifflin 2001
The Silmarillion Gift Pack HarperCollins 2001
The Silmarillion. Ballantine Books 1999
The Silmarillion Harpercollins Publishers 1999
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 1998
The Silmarillion Houghton Mifflin 1998
The Silmarillion HarperCollins 1998
The Silmarillion [Audiobook] Bantam USA 1998
The Silmarillion Del Rey 1985
The Silmarillion Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1977
The Silmarillion George Allen & Unwin 1977
The Silmarillion HARPER COLLINS U.K None