Early Transcendentals
James Stewart
James Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcendentals texts are widely renowned for their mathematical precision and accuracy, clarity of exposition, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Millions of students worldwide have explored calculus through Stewart's trademark style, while instructors have turned to his approach time and time again. In the Seventh Edition of Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Stewart continues to set the standard for the course while adding carefully revised content. The patient explanations, superb exercises, focus on problem solving, and carefully graded problem sets that have made Stewart's texts bestsellers continue to provide a strong foundation for the Seventh Edition. From the most unprepared student to the most mathematically gifted, Stewart's writing and presentation serve to enhance understanding and build confidence.
New Features
Revised: For this edition, Stewart has combined the material that previously appeared in chapters 1 and 2. This means that Calculus 7e and Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7e have the same number of chapters, allowing for a single Multivariable text rather than separate Early Transcendentals and Late Transcendentals versions. Chapters 1 and 2 have been combined--and some material has been moved to an appendix--to streamline the presentation of these early topics.
Revised: Throughout the text, the author has revised the narrative as necessary to improve clarity and aid in student comprehension.
New: Examples, margin notes, applications, and projects have been added. In addition, new collections of more challenging exercises called "Problems Plus" have been added, reinforcing concepts by requiring students to apply techniques from more than one chapter of the text. "Problems Plus" sections patiently show students how to approach a challenging problem.
New: This edition has been updated with approximately 25% more exercises than the previous edition, giving students more opportunities to practice concepts they have learned.
New: "PS" icons denoting problem-solving margin notes are aimed at increasing instructors' awareness of this important aspect of Stewart's approach.
Updated: Tools for Enriching Calculus--a free, online, interactive resource that allows calculus students to work with animations that deepen their understanding of key concepts by helping them visualize the concepts they are learning--has been updated with new problems and a new Flash design that is more visually appealing and engaging to students.
Calculus: Early Transcendentals Cengage Learning 2020
Calculus (8/e) Cengage Learning 2015
Calculus Cengage Learning 2015
微积分 中国人民大学出版社 2014
Calculus, 7th Edition Cengage Learning 2012
微积分 2009
Calculus Brooks Cole 2007
Calculus (Stewart's Calculus Series) Brooks Cole 2007
Calculus Early Transcendentals 5th Ed with CD (Calculus Early Transcendentals 5e (CD included)) THOMSON 2005
微积分(上册) 高等教育出版社 2004
Calculus Brooks Cole 2002