Darwin's Dangerous Idea

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Darwin's Dangerous Idea


ISBN: 9780684824710
作者: Daniel C. Dennett
出版社: Simon & Schuster
发行时间: 1996 -6
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 14.18
页数: 586

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Evolution and the Meanings of Life

Daniel C. Dennett   


One of the best descriptions of the nature and implications of Darwinian evolution ever written, it is firmly based in biological information and appropriately extrapolated to possible applications to engineering and cultural evolution. Dennett's analyses of the objections to evolutionary theory are unsurpassed. Extremely lucid, wonderfully written, and scientifically and philosophically impeccable. Highest Recommendation!


Part I Starting in the middle: tell me why; an idea is born; universal acid; the tree of life; the possible and the actual; threads of actuality in design space.
Part II Darwinian thinking in biology: priming Darwin's pump; biology is engineering; searching for quality; bully for brontosaurus; controversies contained.
Part III Mind, meaning, mathematics, and morality: cranes of culture; losing our minds to Darwin; the evolution of meanings; the emperor's new mind, and other fables; on the origin of morality; redesigning morality; the future of an idea.
