Sophie's World

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Sophie's World


ISBN: 9780425152256
作者: Jostein Gaarder
出版社: Berkley
发行时间: 1996 -3
语言: English
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 7.99
页数: 544

8.2 / 10

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A Novel about the History of Philosophy

Sofies verden

Jostein Gaarder   


Sophie's World is a novel which presents a comprehensive history of western philosophy through the story of a philosophy tutor teaching a philosophy course to a girl named Sophie Amundsen. This book is an excellent primer for people who have never learned philosophy; it also helps people who have forgotten everything they learned about philosophy, and desire to “acquire new knowledge when reviewing the old.”


The Garden of Eden . . . at some point something must have come from nothing . . .
The Top Hat . . . the only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder . . .
The Myths . . . a precarious balance between the forces of good and evil . . .
The Natural Philosophers . . . nothing can come from nothing . . .
Democritus . . . the most ingenious toy in the world . . .
Fate . . . the " fortune - teller " is trying to foresee something that is really quite unforesee - able . . .
Socrates . . . wisest is she who knows she does not know . . .
Athens . . . several tall buildings had risen from the ruins . . .
Plato . . . a longing to return to the realm of the soul . . .
The Major ' s Cabin . . . the girl in the mirror winked with both eyes . . .
Aristotle . . . a meticulous organizer who wanted to clarify our concepts . . .
Hellenism . . . a spark from the fire . . .
The Postcards . . . I ' m imposing a severe censorship on my - self . . .
Two Cultures . . . the only way to avoid floating in avacu - um . . .
The Middle Ages . . going only part of the way is not the same as going the wrong way . . .
The Renaissance . . O divine lineage in mortal guise . . .
The Baroque . . . such stuff as dreams are made on . . .
Descartes . . . he wanted to clear all the rubble off the site . . .
Spinoza . . . God is not a puppeteer . . .
Locke . . . as bare and empty as a blackboard before the teacher arrives . . .
Hume . . . commit it then to the flames . . .
Berkeley . . like a giddy planet round a burning sun . . .
Bjerkely . . . an old magic mirror Great - grandmother had bought from a Gypsy woman . . .
The Enlightenment . . . from the way needles are made to the way cannons are founded . . .
Kant . . . the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me . . .
Romanticism . . . the path of mystery leads inwards . . .
Hegel . . . the reasonable is that which is viable . . .
Kierkegaard . . . Europe is on the road to bankruptcy . . .
Marx . . . a spectre is haunting Europe . . .
Darwin . . . a ship sailing through life with a cargo of genes . . .
Freud . . . the odious egoistic impulse that had emerged in her . . .
Our Own Time . . . man is condemned to be free . . .
The Garden Party . . . a white crow . . .
Counterpoint . . . two or more melodies sounding together . . .
The Big Bang . . . we too are stardust . . .
Reading Group Guide
