The Origins of Totalitarianism
Hannah Arendt
Generally regarded as the definitive work on totalitarianism, this book is an essential component of any study of twentieth-century political movements. Arendt was one of the first to recognize that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were two sides of the same coin rather than opposing philosophies of Right and Left. “With the Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt emerges as the most original and profound-therefore the most valuable-political theoretician of our times” (New Leader). Index.
Preface to the first edition
I Antisemitism
Preface 3
1 Antisemitism as an outrage to common sense 11
2 The Jews, the nation-state, and the birth of antisemitism 21
3 The Jews and society 74
4 The dreyfus affair 117
II Imperialism
Preface 159
1 The political emancipation of the bourgeoisie 167
2 Race-thinking before racism 210
3 Race and bureaucracy 242
4 Continental imperialism : the pan-movements 287
5 The decline of the nation-state and the end of the rights of man 341
III Totalitarianism
Preface 387
1 A classless society 407
2 The totalitarian movement 450
3 Totalitarianism in power 507
4 Ideology and terror : a novel form of government 593
App "Totalitarianism" 617
App "Concluding remarks" 618
Bibliography 633
Index 657