自杀 : 社会学研究
豆瓣Suicide:A Study in Sociology
[法] 埃米尔•迪尔凯姆 译者: 张健 许天虎 导读注释
Book One: Extra-Social Factors
1 Suide and Psychopathic States
2 Suicide and Normal Psychological States——Race, Heredity
3 Suicide and Cosmic Factors
4 Imitation
Book Two: Social Causes and Social Types
1 How to Determine Social Causes and Social Types
2 Egoistic Suicide
3 Egoistic Suicide
4 Altruistic Suicide
5 Anomic Suicide
6 Indicidual Forms of the Different Types of Suicide
Book Three:General Nature of Suicide as a Social Phenomenon
1. The Social Element of Suicide
2. Relations of Suicide with Other Social Phenomena
3. Practical Consequences