The Time Machine
“I’ve had a most amazing time....”
So begins the Time Traveller’s astonishing firsthand account of his journey 800,000 years beyond his own era—and the story that launched H.G. Wells’s successful career and earned him his reputation as the father of science fiction. With a speculative leap that still fires the imagination, Wells sends his brave explorer to face a future burdened with our greatest hopes...and our darkest fears. A pull of the Time Machine’s lever propels him to the age of a slowly dying Earth. There he discovers two bizarre races—the ethereal Eloi and the subterranean Morlocks—who not only symbolize the duality of human nature, but offer a terrifying portrait of the men of tomorrow as well. Published in 1895, this masterpiece of invention captivated readers on the threshold of a new century. Thanks to Wells’s expert storytelling and provocative insight, The Time Machine will continue to enthrall readers for generations to come.
The Time Machine None None
时间机器·时空传奇 2022
时间机器 四川文艺出版社 2020
时间机器 中信出版集团 2020
时间机器 海南出版社 2020
时间机器 2018
时间机器 天津人民出版社 2017
时间机器 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2015
时间机器 译林出版社 2012
时光机器 外语教研 2009
时间机器 华夏出版社 2009
时间机器 2008
时间机器 重庆出版社 2008
时间机器 长江文艺出版社 2008
时间机器(中英双语) 天津社会科学院出版社 2006
时间机器 广西师范大学出版社 2002
时间机器 1998
The Time Machine Tor Classics 1992
The Time Machine Bantam Classics 1984
The Time Machine Broadview Press None