The Issa Valley

The Issa Valley


ISBN: 9780374516956
作者: Czeslaw Milosz
译者: Iribarne, Louis
格式: 平装
出版社: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
发行时间: 2000 -5
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 16.00
页数: 304

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A Novel

Czeslaw Milosz    译者: Iribarne, Louis


Thomas, the child-protagonist of "The Issa Valley," is subject to both the contradictions of nature in this severe northern setting and sometimes enchanting, sometimes brutal timbre of village life. There are the deep pine and spruce forests, the grouse and the deer, and the hunter's gun. There is Magdalena, the beautiful mistress of the village priest, whose suicide unleashes her ghost to haunt the parish. There are also the loving grandparents with whom Thomas lives, who provide a balance of the not-quite-Dostoevskian devils that visit the villagers. In the end, Thomas is severed from his childhood and the Issa River, and leaves prepared for adventures beyond his valley. Poetic and richly imagined, "The Issa Valley" is a masterful work of fiction from one of our greatest living poets.
