How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age
Carnegie, Dale; Petkoff, Robert;
Celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the original landmark bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People, comes an up-to-the-minute adaptation of Carnegie’s timeless prescriptions for the digital age. Dale Carnegie’s principles have endured for nearly a century. Since its original publication in 1936, his timeless classic How to Win Friends and Influence People has gone on to sell 15 million copies. Now, introducing new listeners to Carnegie’s words of wisdom, comes How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age , a new guide for a new era. Dale Carnegie could never have predicted the trajectory that new media would take, and the ways that the simple television screen would be adapted into computers and handheld communication devices. He didn’t know the term “social media” and Facebook was something not even dreamed of in Buck Rogers cartoons. And yet his lessons remain relevant for everyone who communicates online today. In fact, with problems such as cyber bullying and email etiquette, we need Carnegie’s help more than ever. Dale Carnegie and Associates, Inc. has re-imagined Carnegie’s lasting lessons for this difficult digital age, reframing Carnegie’s insights about communication, self-expression, and leadership. This book is a must-have guide for anyone who wants to find success on Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, and any social media format today and in the future.
人性的弱点全集(完整全译本)(精) 2017
人性的弱点 2017
人性的弱点 译林出版社 2016
人性的弱点(珍藏插图版) 群言出版社 2016
人性的弱点 北京联合出版公司 2015
人性的弱点 天津人民出版社 2014
人性的弱点全集 中国城市出版社 2012
人性的弱点 中信出版股份有限公司 2012
如何赢得朋友和增强影响力 东方出版社 2011
人性的弱点 2011
人性的弱点全集 长江文艺出版社 2009
人性的弱点 2009
人性的弱点全集 中国发展出版社 2008
人性的弱点 天津社会科学院出版社 2007
人性的弱点·人性的优点 北京出版社 2007
How to Win Friends and Influence People Vermilion 2007
人性的弱点 中国妇女出版社 2006
如何赢得朋友及影响他人 光明日报出版社 2006
人性的弱点全集 中国城市 2006
How to Win Friends and Influence People Vermilion 2004
人性的弱点 机械工业出版社 2004
人性的弱点全集 金城出版社 2004
沟通的艺术:卡耐基人际交往的成功智慧 民主与建设出版社 2004
人性的弱点全集 中国发展出版社 2004
How to Win Friends & Influence People Pocket 1998
人性的弱点全集 1998
人性的优点 人性的弱点 中国文联出版社 1991
人性的弱点 上海文化出版社 1986
How To Win Friends And Influence People Simon & Schuster (New York) 1982