The Power of the Powerless
ISBN: 9780415573009
Vaclav Havel
出版社: Routledge
发行时间: 2009
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 38.00
页数: 232
Citizens Against the State in Central-Eastern Europe
Vaclav Havel
1. The Power of the Powerless
2. Spiritual Values, Independent Initiatives and Politics
3. Catholicism and Politics
4. On the Question of Chartism
5. The Human Rights Movement and Social Progress
6. Prospects for Democracy and Socialism in Eastern Europe
7. Chartism and ‘real socialism’
8. Who Really is Isolated?
9. The Alternative Community as Revolutionary Avant-garde
10. Thoughts inside a Tightly-corked Bottle
11. On not Living in Hatred