Kafka on the Shore
<i>Alternate cover for this ASIN can be found <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26241740-kafka-on-the-shore">here</a></i><br /><br /><i>Kafka on the Shore </i>is powered by two remarkable characters: a teenage boy, Kafka Tamura, who runs away from home either to escape a gruesome oedipal prophecy or to search for his long-missing mother and sister; and an aging simpleton called Nakata, who never recovered from a wartime affliction and now is drawn toward Kafka for reasons that, like the most basic activities of daily life, he cannot fathom.<br /> <br />As their paths converge, and the reasons for that convergence become clear, Haruki Murakami enfolds readers in a world where cats talk, fish fall from the sky, and spirits slip out of their bodies to make love or commit murder. <i>Kafka on the Shore</i> displays one of the world's great storytellers at the peak of his powers.