The Foundations of Chinese Society
Xiaotong Fei
This classic text by Fei Xiaotong, China's finest social scientist, was first published in 1947 and is Fei's chief theoretical statement about the distinctive characteristics of Chinese society. Written in Chinese from a Chinese point of view for a Chinese audience, From the Soil describes the contrasting organizational principles of Chinese and Western societies, thereby conveying the essential features of both. Fei shows how these unique features reflect and are reflected in the moral and ethical characters of people in these societies. This profound, challenging book is both succinct and accessible. In its first complete English-language edition, it is likely to have a wide impact on Western social theorists.
Gary G. Hamilton and Wang Zheng's translation captures Fei's jargonless, straightforward style of writing. Their introduction describes Fei's education and career as a sociologist, the fate of his writings on and off the Mainland, and the sociological significance of his analysis. The translators' epilogue highlights the social reforms for China that Fei drew from his analysis and advocated in a companion text written in the same period.
乡土中国 2022
乡土中国 天津人民出版社 2022
乡土中国 乡土重建 生活.读书.新知三联书店 2021
乡土中国 2019
乡土中国 青岛出版社 2019
乡土中国 人民文学出版社 2019
乡土中国 人民文学出版社 2019
乡土中国 华东师范大学出版社 2018
乡土中国(彩色插图有声版) 北京时代华文书局 2018
鄉土中國 香港中和出版有限公司 2017
乡土中国 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2017
乡土中国 北京出版社 2016
乡土中国 2015
乡土中国 生活·读书·新知三联书店 2013
乡土中国 上海人民出版社 2013
乡土中国 中华书局 2013
乡土中国(修订本) 2013
乡土中国 北京大学出版社 2012
乡土中国 2012
乡土中国 江苏文艺出版社 2011
乡土中国 北京出版社 2011
乡土中国 北京出版社 2009
乡土中国 None 2008
乡土中国 人民出版社 2008
乡土中国 上海人民出版社 2007
乡土中国 上海人民出版社 2006
乡土中国 北京出版社 2004
乡土中国与乡土重建 风云时代出版公司 1993
乡土中国 生活·读书·新知三联书店 1985