C++ Primer 第4版 评注版

C++ Primer 第4版 评注版


ISBN: 9787121174414
作者: Stanley B. Lippman / Josée LaJoie / Barbara Moo
译者: 陈硕
出版社: 电子工业出版社
发行时间: 2012 -7
丛书: 博文视点评注版
装订: 平装
价格: 108.00元
页数: 715

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Stanley B. Lippman / Josée LaJoie    译者: 陈硕


《C++ Primer》是一本系统而绝佳的C++ 教材,它全面而深入地讲解了C++ 语言及其标准库。本书作者Stanley B. Lippman 在20 世纪80 年代早期即在C++ 之父Bjarne Stroustrup 领导下开发C++ 编译器,另一作者Josée Lajoie 曾多年担任C++ 标准委员会核心语言组主席,他们对这门编程语言的理解与把握非常人可比。本书对C++ 语法和语 义的阐释兼具准确性与可读性,在坊间无出其右者。第4 版更吸收了先进的C++ 教学经验,在内容组织上对初学者更加友好,详略得当且重点突出,使读者能更快上手编写有用的程序,也更适合自学。全球已有45 万人通过该 书的各个版本学习了C++ 编程。
对于国外技术图书,选择翻译版还是影印版,常常让人陷入两难的境地。本评注版力邀国内资深专家执笔,在英文原著基础上增加中文点评与注释,旨在融合二者之长,既保留经典的原创文字与味道,又以先行者的学研心得与实践感悟,对读者阅读与学习加以点拨、指明捷径。经过评注的版本,更值得反复阅读与体会。希望这本书能够帮助您跨越C++ 的重重险阻,领略高处才有的壮美风光,做一个成功而快乐的C++ 程序员。


Chapter 1 Getting Started
1.1 Writing a Simple C++Program .
1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our Program
1.2 AFirstLookat Input/Output .
1.2.1 StandardInput andOutputObjects .
1.2.2 AProgramthatUses the IOLibrary
1.3 AWordAboutComments
1.4 Control Structures .
1.4.1 The whileStatement .
1.4.2 The forStatement
1.4.3 The ifStatement
1.4.4 ReadinganUnknownNumberof Inputs .
1.5 IntroducingClasses
1.5.1 The Sales_itemClass
1.5.2 AFirstLookatMemberFunctions
1.6 The C++Program
Part I The Basics
Chapter 2 Variables and Basic Types
2.1 PrimitiveBuilt-inTypes .
2.1.1 IntegralTypes
2.1.2 Floating-PointTypes .
2.2 LiteralConstants
2.3 Variables
2.3.1 What Is aVariable? .
2.3.2 TheNameof aVariable
2.3.3 DefiningObjects .
2.3.4 VariableInitializationRules .
2.3.5 Declarations andDefinitions
2.3.6 Scopeof aName
2.3.7 DefineVariablesWhereTheyAreUsed
2.4 constQualifier .
2.5 References .
2.6 TypedefNames
2.7 Enumerations
2.8 ClassTypes
2.9 Writing Our Own Header Files .
2.9.1 DesigningOurOwnHeaders
2.9.2 ABrief IntroductiontothePreprocessor .
Chapter 3 Library Types
3.1 Namespace usingDeclarations
3.2 Library stringType
3.2.1 Defining and Initializing strings
3.2.2 Reading andWriting strings .
3.2.3 Operations on strings .
3.2.4 Dealing with the Characters of a string .
3.3 Library vectorType .
3.3.1 Defining and Initializing vectors .
3.3.2 Operations on vectors
3.4 IntroducingIterators
3.4.1 IteratorArithmetic
3.5 Library bitsetType .
3.5.1 Defining and Initializing bitsets
3.5.2 Operations on bitsets
Chapter 4 Arrays and Pointers
4.1 Arrays
4.1.1 DefiningandInitializingArrays .
4.1.2 OperationsonArrays .
4.2 IntroducingPointers .
4.2.1 What Is aPointer? .
4.2.2 DefiningandInitializingPointers
4.2.3 OperationsonPointers .
4.2.4 UsingPointers toAccessArrayElements .
4.2.5 Pointers and the constQualifier
4.3 C-StyleCharacterStrings
4.3.1 DynamicallyAllocatingArrays .
4.3.2 InterfacingtoOlderCode .
4.4 MultidimensionedArrays
4.4.1 Pointers andMultidimensionedArrays .
Chapter 5 Expressions
5.1 ArithmeticOperators .
5.2 Relational andLogicalOperators .
5.3 TheBitwiseOperators
5.3.1 Using bitsetObjectsor IntegralValues
5.3.2 Usingthe ShiftOperators for IO
5.4 AssignmentOperators
5.4.1 Assignment IsRightAssociative
5.4.2 AssignmentHasLowPrecedence
5.4.3 CompoundAssignmentOperators .
5.5 Increment andDecrementOperators
5.6 TheArrowOperator
5.7 TheConditionalOperator
5.8 The sizeofOperator .
5.9 CommaOperator .
5.10 EvaluatingCompoundExpressions
5.10.1 Precedence .
5.10.2 Associativity
5.10.3 OrderofEvaluation .
5.11 The new and deleteExpressions .
5.12 TypeConversions
5.12.1 WhenImplicitTypeConversionsOccur
5.12.2 TheArithmeticConversions
5.12.3 Other ImplicitConversions .
5.12.4 ExplicitConversions .
5.12.5 WhenCastsMightBeUseful
5.12.6 NamedCasts
5.12.7 Old-StyleCasts .
Chapter 6 Statements
6.1 Simple Statements
6.2 DeclarationStatements
6.3 CompoundStatements (Blocks) .
6.4 StatementScope
6.5 The ifStatement
6.5.1 The if Statement elseBranch
6.6 The switchStatement .
6.6.1 Using a switch
6.6.2 Control Flow within a switch
6.6.3 The defaultLabel
6.6.4 switchExpressionandCaseLabels .
6.6.5 Variable Definitions inside a switch
6.7 The whileStatement
6.8 The forLoopStatement
6.8.1 Omitting Parts of the forHeader
6.8.2 Multiple Definitions in the forHeader .
6.9 The do whileStatement .
6.10 The breakStatement .
6.11 The continueStatement
6.12 The gotoStatement
6.13 tryBlocks andExceptionHandling .
6.13.1 A throwExpression .
6.13.2 The tryBlock
6.13.3 StandardExceptions .
6.14 Using the Preprocessor for Debugging .
Chapter 7 Functions
7.1 DefiningaFunction
7.1.1 FunctionReturnType
7.1.2 FunctionParameterList
7.2 ArgumentPassing
7.2.1 NonreferenceParameters
7.2.2 ReferenceParameters .
7.2.3 vectorandOtherContainerParameters .
7.2.4 ArrayParameters
7.2.5 ManagingArraysPassedtoFunctions
7.2.6 main:HandlingCommand-LineOptions .
7.2.7 FunctionswithVaryingParameters
7.3 The returnStatement
7.3.1 FunctionswithNoReturnValue
7.3.2 Functions thatReturnaValue .
7.3.3 Recursion
7.4 FunctionDeclarations
7.4.1 DefaultArguments
7.5 LocalObjects .
7.5.1 AutomaticObjects
7.5.2 StaticLocalObjects .
7.6 Inline Functions
7.7 ClassMemberFunctions
7.7.1 DefiningtheBodyofaMemberFunction .
7.7.2 DefiningaMemberFunctionOutside theClass .
7.7.3 Writing the Sales_itemConstructor
7.7.4 Organizing Class Code Files
7.8 OverloadedFunctions
7.8.1 OverloadingandScope
7.8.2 FunctionMatchingandArgumentConversions
7.8.3 TheThreeSteps inOverloadResolution .
7.8.4 Argument-TypeConversions
7.9 Pointers toFunctions .
Chapter 8 The IO Library
8.1 AnObject-OrientedLibrary
8.2 Condition States
8.3 ManagingtheOutputBuffer .
8.4 File Input and Output
8.4.1 Using File Stream Objects .
8.4.2 File Modes .
8.4.3 A Program to Open and Check Input Files .
8.5 StringStreams
Part II Containers and Algorithms
Chapter 9 Sequential Containers
9.1 Defininga SequentialContainer
9.1.1 InitializingContainerElements .
9.1.2 Constraints onTypes that aContainerCanHold .
9.2 Iterators andIteratorRanges .
9.2.1 IteratorRanges
9.2.2 SomeContainerOperations InvalidateIterators
9.3 SequenceContainerOperations
9.3.1 ContainerTypedefs .
9.3.2 begin and endMembers
9.3.3 AddingElements toaSequentialContainer .
9.3.4 RelationalOperators .
9.3.5 Container SizeOperations
9.3.6 AccessingElements
9.3.7 ErasingElements
9.3.8 Assignment and swap
9.4 How a vectorGrows
9.4.1 capacity and reserveMembers
9.5 DecidingWhichContainer toUse
9.6 stringsRevisited
9.6.1 Other Ways to Construct strings
9.6.2 Other Ways to Change a string
9.6.3 string-OnlyOperations
9.6.4 stringSearchOperations
9.6.5 Comparing strings
9.7 ContainerAdaptors
9.7.1 StackAdaptor
9.7.2 Queue andPriorityQueue .
Chapter 10 Associative Containers
10.1 Preliminaries: the pairType
10.2 AssociativeContainers
10.3 The mapType
10.3.1 Defining a map
10.3.2 Types Defined by map .
10.3.3 Adding Elements to a map .
10.3.4 Subscripting a map
10.3.5 Using map::insert .
10.3.6 Finding and Retrieving a mapElement
10.3.7 Erasing Elements from a map
10.3.8 Iterating across a map
10.3.9 AWordTransformationMap
10.4 The setType .
10.4.1 Defining and Using sets .
10.4.2 BuildingaWord-ExclusionSet
10.5 The multimap and multisetTypes 5
10.5.1 AddingandRemovingElements
10.5.2 Finding Elements in a multimap or multiset
10.6 UsingContainers: Text-QueryProgram
10.6.1 Designof theQueryProgram .
10.6.2 TextQueryClass
10.6.3 Using the TextQueryClass .
10.6.4 WritingtheMemberFunctions .
Chapter 11 Generic Algorithms
11.1 Overview
11.2 AFirstLookat theAlgorithms
11.2.1 Read-OnlyAlgorithms
11.2.2 Algorithms thatWriteContainerElements
11.2.3 Algorithms thatReorderContainerElements .
11.3 Revisiting Iterators .
11.3.1 Insert Iterators
11.3.2 iostream Iterators .
11.3.3 Reverse Iterators
11.3.4 const Iterators .
11.3.5 TheFive IteratorCategories
11.4 StructureofGenericAlgorithms .
11.4.1 AlgorithmParameterPatterns
11.4.2 AlgorithmNamingConventions
11.5 Container-SpecificAlgorithms
Part III Classes and Data Abstraction
Chapter 12 Classes 429
12.1 ClassDefinitions andDeclarations
12.1.1 ClassDefinitions: ARecap
12.1.2 DataAbstractionandEncapsulation .
12.1.3 MoreonClassDefinitions
12.1.4 ClassDeclarationsversusDefinitions
12.1.5 ClassObjects
12.2 The Implicit thisPointer
12.3 ClassScope
12.3.1 NameLookupinClassScope
12.4 Constructors
12.4.1 TheConstructor Initializer
12.4.2 DefaultArguments andConstructors
12.4.3 TheDefaultConstructor
12.4.4 ImplicitClass-TypeConversions .
12.4.5 Explicit InitializationofClassMembers
12.5 Friends
12.6 staticClassMembers
12.6.1 staticMemberFunctions
12.6.2 staticDataMembers
Chapter 13 Copy Control
13.1 TheCopyConstructor .
13.1.1 The SynthesizedCopyConstructor .
13.1.2 DefiningOurOwnCopyConstructor
13.1.3 PreventingCopies .
13.2 TheAssignmentOperator .
13.3 TheDestructor
13.4 AMessage-HandlingExample .
13.5 ManagingPointerMembers
13.5.1 DefiningSmartPointerClasses
13.5.2 Defining Valuelike Classes
Chapter 14 Overloaded Operations and Conversions
14.1 DefininganOverloadedOperator
14.1.1 OverloadedOperatorDesign .
14.2 Input andOutputOperators
14.2.1 Overloading the Output Operator << .
14.2.2 Overloading the Input Operator >> .
14.3 Arithmetic andRelationalOperators
14.3.1 EqualityOperators
14.3.2 RelationalOperators .
14.4 AssignmentOperators
14.5 SubscriptOperator .
14.6 MemberAccessOperators .
14.7 Increment andDecrementOperators
14.8 CallOperatorandFunctionObjects .
14.8.1 UsingFunctionObjectswithLibraryAlgorithms
14.8.2 Library-DefinedFunctionObjects .
14.8.3 FunctionAdaptors forFunctionObjects
14.9 Conversions andClassTypes .
14.9.1 WhyConversionsAreUseful .
14.9.2 ConversionOperators
14.9.3 ArgumentMatchingandConversions .
14.9.4 OverloadResolution andClassArguments .
14.9.5 Overloading,Conversions, andOperators .
Part IV Object-Oriented and Generic Programming
Chapter 15 Object-Oriented Programming
15.1 OOP:AnOverview .
15.2 DefiningBaseandDerivedClasses
15.2.1 DefiningaBaseClass .
15.2.2 protectedMembers .
15.2.3 DerivedClasses
15.2.4 virtualandOtherMemberFunctions .
15.2.5 Public,Private,andProtectedInheritance
15.2.6 FriendshipandInheritance
15.2.7 Inheritance andStaticMembers
15.3 Conversions andInheritance .
15.3.1 Derived-to-BaseConversions .
15.3.2 Conversions fromBasetoDerived .
15.4 Constructors andCopyControl
15.4.1 Base-ClassConstructors andCopyControl .
15.4.2 Derived-ClassConstructors
15.4.3 CopyControl andInheritance
15.4.4 VirtualDestructors
15.4.5 Virtuals inConstructors andDestructors
15.5 ClassScopeunder Inheritance .
15.5.1 NameLookupHappensatCompileTime
15.5.2 Name Collisions and Inheritance .
15.5.3 ScopeandMemberFunctions
15.5.4 VirtualFunctions andScope
15.6 PureVirtualFunctions
15.7 Containers andInheritance
15.8 HandleClassesandInheritance
15.8.1 A Pointerlike Handle
15.8.2 CloninganUnknownType .
15.8.3 UsingtheHandle .
15.9 TextQueriesRevisited
15.9.1 AnObject-OrientedSolution .
15.9.2 A Valuelike Handle
15.9.3 The Query_baseClass
15.9.4 The QueryHandleClass
15.9.5 TheDerivedClasses
15.9.6 The evalFunctions
Chapter 16 Templates and Generic Programming
16.1 TemplateDefinitions .
16.1.1 DefiningaFunctionTemplate
16.1.2 DefiningaClassTemplate
16.1.3 TemplateParameters .
16.1.4 TemplateTypeParameters .
16.1.5 NontypeTemplateParameters .
16.1.6 WritingGenericPrograms .
16.2 Instantiation
16.2.1 TemplateArgumentDeduction
16.2.2 Function-TemplateExplicitArguments
16.3 TemplateCompilationModels
16.4 ClassTemplateMembers .
16.4.1 Class-TemplateMemberFunctions .
16.4.2 TemplateArguments forNontypeParameters .
16.4.3 FriendDeclarations inClassTemplates
16.4.4 Queue and QueueItemFriendDeclarations .
16.4.5 MemberTemplates .
16.4.6 The Complete QueueClass .
16.4.7 staticMembersofClassTemplates .
16.5 AGenericHandleClass .
16.5.1 DefiningtheHandleClass
16.5.2 UsingtheHandle .
16.6 Template Specializations
16.6.1 SpecializingaFunctionTemplate .
16.6.2 SpecializingaClassTemplate
16.6.3 SpecializingMembersbutNot theClass
16.6.4 Class-TemplatePartialSpecializations
16.7 OverloadingandFunctionTemplates .
Part V Advanced Topics
Chapter 17 Tools for Large Programs
17.1 ExceptionHandling
17.1.1 ThrowinganExceptionofClassType
17.1.2 StackUnwinding
17.1.3 CatchinganException
17.1.4 Rethrow
17.1.5 TheCatch-AllHandler
17.1.6 FunctionTryBlocks andConstructors .
17.1.7 ExceptionClassHierarchies
17.1.8 AutomaticResourceDeallocation .
17.1.9 The auto_ptrClass
17.1.10ExceptionSpecifications .
17.1.11FunctionPointerExceptionSpecifications .
17.2 Namespaces
17.2.1 NamespaceDefinitions .
17.2.2 NestedNamespaces
17.2.3 UnnamedNamespaces
17.2.4 UsingNamespaceMembers
17.2.5 Classes,Namespaces,andScope
17.2.6 OverloadingandNamespaces
17.2.7 NamespacesandTemplates .
17.3 Multiple andVirtual Inheritance 731
17.3.1 Multiple Inheritance .
17.3.2 Conversions andMultipleBaseClasses
17.3.3 CopyControl forMultiplyDerivedClasses .
17.3.4 ClassScopeunderMultiple Inheritance
17.3.5 Virtual Inheritance .
17.3.6 VirtualBaseClassDeclaration .
17.3.7 Special InitializationSemantics
Chapter 18 Specialized Tools and Techniques
18.1 OptimizingMemoryAllocation
18.1.1 Memory Allocation in C++
18.1.2 The allocatorClass
18.1.3 operator new and operator deleteFunctions .
18.1.4 Placement newExpressions
18.1.5 ExplicitDestructor Invocation
18.1.6 Class Specific new and delete
18.1.7 AMemory-AllocatorBaseClass
18.2 Run-TimeTypeIdentification .
18.2.1 The dynamic_castOperator
18.2.2 The typeidOperator
18.2.3 UsingRTTI .
18.2.4 The type_infoClass
18.3 Pointer toClassMember .
18.3.1 DeclaringaPointer toMember .
18.3.2 UsingaPointer toClassMember
18.4 NestedClasses
18.4.1 ANested-Class Implementation .
18.4.2 NameLookupinNestedClassScope .
18.5 Union: ASpace-SavingClass
18.6 LocalClasses .
18.7 InherentlyNonportableFeatures .
18.7.1 Bit-fields
18.7.2 volatileQualifier
18.7.3 Linkage Directives: extern "C"
Appendix A The Library
A.1 LibraryNames andHeaders
A.2 ABriefTourof theAlgorithms
A.2.1 Algorithms toFindanObject .
A.2.2 OtherRead-OnlyAlgorithms
A.2.3 Binary-SearchAlgorithms .
A.2.4 Algorithms thatWriteContainerElements .
A.2.5 PartitioningandSortingAlgorithms
A.2.6 GeneralReorderingOperations
A.2.7 PermutationAlgorithms .
A.2.8 SetAlgorithms for SortedSequences .
A.2.9 MinimumandMaximumValues
A.2.10 NumericAlgorithms
A.3 The IOLibraryRevisited
A.3.1 FormatState .
A.3.2 ManyManipulatorsChangetheFormatState.
A.3.3 Controlling Output Formats
A.3.4 Controlling Input Formatting
A.3.5 UnformattedInput/OutputOperations
A.3.6 Single-ByteOperations
A.3.7 Multi-ByteOperations
A.3.8 RandomAccess toaStream
A.3.9 Reading andWriting to the Same File
