The Road to Serfdom
The Condensed Version As It Appeared in the April 1945 Edition of Reader's Digest (Occasional Paper, 122)
F. A. Hayek
In the last years of World War II, Friedrich Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom. He warned the allies that policy proposals which were being canvassed for the post-war world ran the risk of destroying the very freedom for which they were fighting. On the basis of 'as in war, so in peace', economists and others were arguing that the government should plan all economic activity. Such planning, Hayek argued, would be incompatible with liberty, and had been at the very heart of the movements that had established both communism and Nazism.
On its publication in 1944, the book caused a sensation. Neither its British nor its American publisher could keep up with demand, owing to wartime paper rationing. Then, in 1945, Reader's Digest published The Road to Serfdom as the condensed book in its April edition. For the first and still the only time, the condensed book was placed at the front of the magazine instead of the back. Hayek found himself a celebrity, addressing a mass market.
The condensed edition was republished for the first time by the IEA in 1999 and has been reissued to meet the continuing demand for its enduringly relevant and accessible message.
到奴役之路 國立臺灣大學出版中心 2019
通向奴役之路 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 2017
到奴役之路 國立臺灣大學出版中心 2009
隷属への道 春秋社 2008
The Road to Serfdom University Of Chicago Press 2007
The Road to Serfdom University Of Chicago Press 2007
The Road to Serfdom Institute Of Economic Affairs 2005
The Road to Serfdom Routledge 2001
The Road To Serfdom Books on Tape, Inc. 2000
The Road to Serfdom University Of Chicago Press 1994
到奴役之路 桂冠圖書出版有限公司 1990
通向奴役的道路 商务印书馆 1962
通往奴役之路 中国社会科学出版社 1997