ヘルマン ヘッセ 译者: 高橋健二
Beneath the Wheel is the story of Hans Giebenrath, a talented boy sent to an elite seminary in Maulbronn. However his education is focused on increasing his knowledge and neglects his development as a person. He befriends Hermann Heilner, who is less hard-working than he and more liberal; the friendship is a relief for Hans. In the end, Heilner is expelled from the seminary and Giebenrath is sent home after his performance decreases when he shows symptoms of mental illness.
Back home, he finds coping with his situation difficult, as he has lost most of his childhood to scholastic study, and thus never had time to form lasting personal relationships with anyone in his village. He is apprenticed as a blacksmith and seems to enjoy the work; concrete, as opposed to the abstraction of scholarly work.
Beneath the Wheel is one of Hesse's first novels and severely criticises education that focuses only on students' academic performance. In that respect, the novel is typical of Hesse. There are biographical elements in the story, as he attended and was expelled from the seminary described.
在轮下 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2023
轮下 人民文学出版社 2023
在轮下 译林出版社 2022
在轮下 2021
在轮下 2019
在轮下 中国法制出版社 2018
在轮下 中国法制出版社 2016
車輪下(首度德文直譯本) 遠流 2015
轮下 译林出版社 2015
在轮下 上海三联书店 2013
在轮下 上海译文出版社 2011
在轮下 上海译文出版社 2007
Unterm Rad Suhrkamp Verlag 2007
Beneath the Wheel Picador 2003
Unterm Rad Suhrkamp Verlag 2003
在轮下 上海译文出版社 1998
在轮下 上海译文出版社 1997
轮下 1997
轮下 人民文学出版社 1983
在轮下 上海译文出版社 1983