Thank You for Not Reading

Thank You for Not Reading


ISBN: 9781948830454
作者: Dubravka Ugrešić
译者: Celia Hawkesworth / Damion Searls
出版社: Open Letter
发行时间: 2022 -4
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 15.95
页数: 220

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Dubravka Ugrešić    译者: Celia Hawkesworth / Damion Searls


Thank You for Not Reading is a biting critique of book publishing: agents, subagents, and scouts, supermarket-like bookstores, Joan Collins, book fairs that have little to do with books, authors promoted because of sex appeal instead of merit, and editors trying to look like writers by having their photograph taken against a background of bookshelves. Nowadays, the best strategy for young authors wanted to publish is to become famous in some other capacity first—as a sports star, an actress, or an Ivana Trump.
One of the most interesting and paradoxical comparisons coming out of Ugresic's dissection of book culture is the similarity between the art of socialist realism (as prescribed by the Soviets) and the nature of the contemporary marketplace to produce and promote art that appeals to everyone. Thanks to cultural forces like listicles and celebrity book clubs, the publishing machine neglects literature in favor of accessible, entertaining books for the masses.
