The Alchemist
[巴西] 保罗·柯艾略
Like the one-time bestseller Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Alchemist presents a simple fable, based on simple truths and places it in a highly unique situation. And though we may sniff a bestselling formula, it is certainly not a new one: even the ancient tribal storytellers knew that this is the most successful method of entertaining an audience while slipping in a lesson or two. Brazilian storyteller Paulo Coehlo introduces Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who one night dreams of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. And so he's off: leaving Spain to literally follow his dream.
Along the way he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms such as a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. In one of the Englishman's books, Santiago first learns about the alchemists--men who believed that if a metal were heated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, and what was left would be the "Soul of the World." Of course he does eventually meet an alchemist, and the ensuing student-teacher relationship clarifies much of the boy's misguided agenda, while also emboldening him to stay true to his dreams. "My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy confides to the alchemist one night as they look up at a moonless night.
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself," the alchemist replies. "And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity." --Gail Hudson, Review
牧羊少年奇幻之旅 北京十月文艺出版社 2017
The Alchemist HarperOne 2015
The Alchemist HarperOne 2014
The Alchemist 25th Anniversary HarperOne 2014
牧羊少年奇幻之旅 南海出版公司 2009
Alchemist Wisdom Tree 2009
L'Alchimiste J'Ai Lu 2007
The Alchemist Harper Collins USA 2006
炼金术士 上海译文出版社 2004
牧羊少年奇幻之旅 時報出版 2004
The Alchemist HarperCollins 2002
The Alchemist HarperCollins 2002
牧羊少年奇幻之旅 上海译文出版社 2001
Der Alchimist Diogenes Verlag AG,Switzerland 1999
The Alchemist Thorsons 1998
The Illustrated Alchemist HarperCollins 1998
炼金术士 中国文学出版社 1997
The Alchemist HarperSanFrancisco 1995
El Alquimista / the Alchemist HarperCollins 1994
The Alchemist HarperCollins 1993
O Alquimista Planeta None
牧羊少年奇幻之旅 時報文化 None